All our prices are expressed in HT.
"Chercheur" Alcoholmeter
147000 - “Chercheur” Alcoholmeter calibrated in 2 points
Class II alcoholometer special ranges with a verification report
Class II alcoholmeter by 10% Vol. with a verification report
174000 - Class II alcoholmeter by 10% Vol. standard
172000 - Class II alcoholmeter by 20% Vol.
153000 - Precision alcoholmeter verified at 3 points
153200 - Precision alcoholmeter verified at 3 points with thermometer
Alcoholmeter small size
186000 - Baumé hydrometer large range
191000 - Baumé hydrometer by 10°
188000 - Baumé hydrometer by 25 °
Baumé hydrometer by 4°
“tirage" Hydrometer
330007 - Density hydrometer per 100g / dm3
Density hydrometer per 15g / dm3 standard
399010 - Hydrometer of 200g/dm3
Hydrometer by 30g/dm3
Hydrometer by 30g/dm3 with verification report
331700 - Hydrometers carrying 60 grams/dm3
393300 - Extracto-oenometer 983-1003 large model
393100 - Extracto-enometer 983-1003 Small size
Extracto-enometer with a verification report
Guyot glucometer